Monday, February 16, 2009

Musings...or my initial attempt at this blogging thing...which sort of feels like stream consciousness communication, doesn't it.....blah, blah, blah

Ah, February when life is...gray, even in the Sunshine State. I think most of us have a bit of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) :o( when we are forced to go days without getting our Vitamin D fix from Mr. Sun. 

(And why is it that the sun is a man? Do you think its because the sun is the CENTER of our solar system. Wait, maybe the Sun is really a teenager!)

It's a Monday as I post this so we must add that to the mix of Things That Can Get You Down If You Pay Attention. But I still believe any of us can shift our attitude and change our life.

I know, I know... I sound a bit like those speakers at the motivational seminars that we've all been subjected to by an employer who became a convert to the newest est. (OMG, I am really showing my age on that one!) 

But if we want to have more control over our world and, thus, our lives I believe we must acknowledge the power of attitude. A negative one breeds negativity. And a positive one, know.

And in this day and age of 24/7 cable news outlets that regularly feed us heaping portions of the crisis du jour, we end up overeating a dish we didn't even choose.  

I say let's refuse to visit the all you can eat buffet of the woes of the world. Stop watching and listening and start---dare I say it?---enjoying the things in the world that are still wonderful. The aforementioned sun when it sets, the birds singing when we have one of those hint of springtime warm spells, the gurgle of your newborn niece, or the devotion in the eyes of  your dog.

Find what it is that still turns you on (oops, more evidence of my middle age) and focus on that. Choose to believe you are headed for a better world and you will get there.

Nobody can determine the quality of your life without your permission.